Zonta Yellow Rose Run
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Yellow Rose Fun Run/Walk
for Foster Hope

9am, Sunday 13th October 2024

Wear your yellow sports gear and come down to North Hagley on 13 October for some fun and some exercise – a 5km or 10km run or 5km walk.

We’d love you to register online beforehand, but it’s not too late on the day. Just come, and bring your friends!

Park in the public car park by the Botanic Gardens, or on the nearby streets, and make your way over the Armagh St bridge to the tent by Victoria Lake. We’ll be waiting for you!



8.00am: REGISTRATIONS OPEN Report in at the tent by Victoria Lake, get your bib

8.50am: Fun Warm up with Erica Alfonso

Late registrations will be taken at the tent from 8.15am – $20 cash

Brief greetings and speeches

9am: Grand start! Run/walk at your own pace. It’s not a race, so it’s a great chance to have a chat with your friends while you stroll, walk, jog or sprint!